Thursday, August 8, 2019

Busy Book Basic Pages

The pages are made with a muslin background. There are 2 layers of white felt inside each page to make it sturdy and soft. The finished pages are about 9.5" by 9.5".

You will make your pages first, using the 10 inch square as your background. Make sure you leave at least an inch all the way around so you will be able to put the pages together. Once the pages are made you are ready to assemble them. You will assemble 4 of your pages into one "signature" which are the assembled pages for your book.

For each "signature" of pages you will need:
1/4 yard muslin
1/4 yard white felt

Cut the background squares 10 inches by 10 inches. (You can get 4 squares from 1/4 yard. It takes 4 pages to make one "signature.")

Each page can be made up of 2 single page spreads and 1 two page spread or it can be made up of 4 single page spreads. Make sure you work out the order of your pages so you don't separate any of your two page spreads. 

Sew your pages right side together down the middle of the first two pages. If it is a two page spread make sure they are sewn together and in the right order.

Now sew the next two pages together but this time leave a hole about 6 inches in the middle of the seam. This will allow you to turn your pages right side out.

Now put these right sides together and match the seams at the top and bottom of the pages. Pin really well. There will be some pulling and bulk because of all of the felt you have on your pages so make sure to pull it flat, match it, and pin well. 

Sew all the way around the pages.

Clip the corners.

Turn the pages right side out. Use something pointy to push the corners out so they are nice and square. 

Press the edges.

Insert two pieces of felt into each side of the pages. Push them to the corners and make sure they lay nice and flat. 

Hand sew the whole shut. 

Sew down the middle of the pages. This will keep the felt in the right place. 

Your signature of pages is done!

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